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Viberate music data analytics

Get 20% off on Viberate's Premium plan

Save $47

Access to actionable insights is fundamental for succeeding in the music industry. Viberate already offers the most competitive deal on the market, but here you get even a better one. UnBEATable.

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We will generate a one-time discount code you can use when purchasing the Premium plan on Viberate. Enter it at checkout to get the discount.

Available for new and existing customers

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How It Works

Analyzing the popularity of artists across major social and streaming channels, radio stations, and music services. Great for discovering new talent, analyzing artists, monitoring release campaigns, and self promotion.


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Get access to stats of hundreds of thousands of artists, powerful A&R tools, and more. Access data from Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Shazam, Instagram, thousands of radio stations, millions of playlists.

$239 / per year

Get access to stats of hundreds of thousands of artists, powerful A&R tools, and more. Access data from Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Shazam, Instagram, thousands of radio stations, millions of playlists.


Charts with advanced talent discovery filters

Complete Artist & Track Analytics

Alerts with updates and strategic shifts

Playlist performance

Fanbase demographics

Channel-specific and cross-channel metrics: TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, Shazam, Airplay, etc.


#šŸŽµ Industry Perks
#šŸ¤‘ Gigwell Perks
#ā­ High-Value


#Analytics & Attribution


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